good luck

Slang definitions & phrases for good luck

lots of luck


A rueful and ironicway of wishing someone success when it is obviously impossible: Vance played a key part in negotiating the Camp David agreements on the Middle East, but lots of luck in getting him to say so/ Looking for a lady loan shark? Good luck; mob jobs remain male turf

[the first form is sometimes uttered in a jokey Asian way: ''Rots of ruck'']

Idioms and Phrases with good luck

good luck

Good fortune or a happy outcome, especially by chance. For example, It was sheer good luck that brought this offer my way, or, as Shakespeare put it in The Merry Wives of Windsor (3:5): “As good luck would have it, comes in one Mistress Page.” [ Late 1400s ]
Also, good luck to you. I wish you success. This term is used both straightforwardly, as in Good luck on your journey, and sarcastically, implying that what someone is undertaking is not likely to succeed, as in If you think you'll find that long-lost letter, good luck to you.